We are proud members of the Salford community, constantly striving to be the best and to bring out the best in everyone. All students and staff contribute to our Culture of Excellence by demonstrating our SCA values:
I am responsible for:
Actively engaging in my learning - in lessons and at home
Respecting our SCA community and environment
I will demonstrate excellence by:
Constantly having high standards in all aspects of my work
Being a positive role model at all times
I have high aspirations:
In my learning - striving to achieve my targets
For my future - aiming high for further study and career choices
I am committed to:
Always giving my best in lessons, homework and revision
Supporting our diverse and inclusive SCA community
I play an active role in our SCA team by:
Working with students and staff to fulfill our potential
Understanding, supporting and celebrating everyone in our team
Our vision is to provide an excellent education for all our students, bringing out the best in them and preparing them for further education and the world of work. We aim to provide an education which inspires, excites and provides the knowledge, understanding and skills that students need for success in the future. We are committed to delivering outstanding Education with Character and our Student Charter provides leadership, careers, social and cultural opportunities for all our students.