Our vision is for every student to receive a knowledge-rich curriculum delivered by inspirational teachers with high aspirations for all.
Students will develop into knowledgeable and resilient learners with the potential to succeed in aspirational careers.
Assessment at Salford City Academy is driven by our curriculum.
The purpose of assessment is to gather relevant information about student performance or progress against taught knowledge and skills. After receiving this information, teachers can reflect on each student’s level of understanding, reflect on the effectiveness of what has been taught and make appropriate amendments to planning.
Assessment is carried out regularly utilising formative assessment techniques such as low stake quzzing, questioning, do it now and self assessment techniques.
In practical subjects, students are assessed by on-going assessment of practical and investigative skills.
Students demonstrate their knowledge though how they articulate their learning through oracy, and teachers use evidence from written work and extended writing (Big Write) to review understanding of key knowledge and skills.
Baseline assessments in reading (NGRT) and MidYIS testing are issued in Year 7 to assess students starting points as they begin their journey in the academy.
Please see here a Guide for Parents on Midyis Testing.