United Learning schools were invited to send Year 7 teams to host school William Hulme Grammar and Maths teacher Mr Jackson accompanied a group to compete!
Ayman Abdulgabar, Imane Boubendir, Brandon Davidson, Mollie Finney, Maisy Hall, Samantha Mechan, Kanika Raturi and Jonathan Verity-Stowell attended and formed mixed teams with the other competing schools.
Teams were named after Harry Potter schools with Brandon and Ayman’s Gryffindor winning the overall day.
Maths challenges were all Hogwarts themed from de-coding crimes, making potions, building the surface area of the Hogwarts town and measuring blood to save Ron.
Mollie said: “Because of the theme it would have been good to use magic to solve the challenges!”
Brandon added: “It was a good day, especially as I was on the winning team, and I came home with a trophy.”