School Meals at SCA

Free School Meals:  Entitlement to Free School Meals (FSM) is subject to local authority approval (based on current legislation). The FSM allowance covers the cost of a standard meal and is only available at lunchtime. Additional funds should be added if your child wishes to purchase other items.  

Further information, and how to apply, for Free School Meals can found on the City of Salford’s website (click here) or by telephone on  0161 909 6508.

Registering for free school meals can help the Academy - If your child is eligible for free school meals, it's worth registering them even if they're not going to have the school lunch. This is because schools receive a 'pupil premium' - an extra payment for each eligible child which they can spend on useful services. 


Provider: The catering service at Salford City Academy is provided by Taylor Shaw.

Catering Information: The school’s catering service is provided by Taylor Shaw, caterer of choice for thousands of secondary school students across the UK.We believe lunch is an integral part of the school day. When students sit down with friends, they cement relationships, enhance social skills, and replenish both their body and mind.Our menus are exciting, nutritious, and appealing, served in a supportive environment designed to educate students about how they can make healthy choices to support their wellbeing and improve their ability to focus.Our freshly prepared menus meet the Government’s School Food Standards and meet the bronze Food for Life standards.   


Allergens: At Taylor Shaw, all our colleagues are trained and up to date with allergen procedures and will provide accurate allergen information to your child. If your child has allergies, we would ask that they speak to our server for information so that they can be provided with the information they need to make an informed and safe choice.

Menus and Prices:  

Our meal deals include:

  • Main Meal Deal priced at £2.52 - (Hot Deal includes 2 items, COld Deal includes 3 items) 
  • Mini Meal Deal priced at £1.85 – includes 2 items


Cashless Catering: The Academy uses a biometric cashless catering system and students access their allocated accounts by using finger scan identification. Student accounts must be in credit in order to purchase food and/or drinks – as cash payments are not accepted.

Packed Lunches: Students are permitted to bring in their own packed lunch. Parents / carers are encouraged to provide packed lunches which have the right balance of food and nutrients and should not include crisps (or similar), chocolate bars (or similar), chocolate coated biscuits or sweets. Fizzy drinks are not permitted.


Free School Breakfast: We are delighted to offer a FREE Breakfast provision in school for our children. The breakfast, that is provided by the National School Breakfast Programme runs from (insert times) and includes bagels and a variety of cereals.  The National School Breakfast Programme is funded by the Department for Education and run by Family Action to support schools in England to provide children with a healthy breakfast at the start of the school day. Family Action is committed to supporting child development, and believe a healthy school breakfast, without barrier or stigma, can set up children to succeed and give them the very best chance to learn. In a normal school year, schools are open just over half the year (taking into account weekends and school holidays). This means even where breakfast is available within school, children are still having breakfast at home almost 50% of the time. For tips, ideas, information, recipes, videos and quizzes to make breakfast time an easy part of your morning routine at home, click here.


Further Information on our catering service click here.


Please see below for our full menus:

Click here for breakfast menu

Click here for grab & go menu

Click here for lunch menu

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