Uniform & Equipment

How can I buy Salford City Academy Uniform?


Our uniform provider is Whittakers School Wear. You may make purachases online, Salford City Academy Archives - Whittakers School Wear.

Alternatively, you can visit their shop in Swinton:

123-125 Chorley Road, Swinton
M27 4AA


Introducing our new Salford City Academy recycled uniform scheme

We know how expensive school uniform can be and how quick students grow! With this in mind and to continue to be able to support the SCA Community, we welcome parents and carers to bring in any uniform that their children have grown out of so that we can offer it to other families to reuse. 

Q: Where do I drop off items?

A: Uniform can be dropped in at reception at any time.  On the lead up to the two key times of the year where we will hold a recycled uniform event, we will send out reminders and students can bring in any items that they want to be recycled to their tutor room where boxes will be available for the collection of these items. 

Q: When can SCA families come to the recycling events? 

A: The recycled uniform stalls will be held twice yearly on site at the Academy. 

  •  February half term 
  •  Start of the summer holidays

What is the Salford City Academy uniform?


  • Plain White Shirt: Buttoned to the top and tucked in
  • Academy tie: Each year group has it’s own colour tie, this colour moves with them up through the academic years – Y7 Red, Y8 Purple, Y9 Organge, Y10 Silver, Y11 Green
  • Salford City Academy Blazer
  • Smart Black Trousers (no leggings or flared trousers), or Tartan Pleated Skirt  (Just above the knee and must not be rolled up)
  • Plain Black Socks (ankle socks or knee length)
  • Plain Black Polishable Shoes

(Please note shirts and the black trousers can be bought from elsewhere, they are not compulsory to buy from the supplier)


  • SCA Branded Navy Jumper
  • Plain Black Tights


Religious Observances: 

Students whose religion requires them to wear a head scarf or cap are permitted to do so and we ask this is plain black in colour. 


Please click here to view our September Ready Booklet for more information on uniform and expected standards of appearance.


PE Kit 


  • Branded navy blue shorts
  • Sky blue performance training top with academy logo or Sky blue polo tshirt
  • Trainers – appropriate trainers that provide support for the foot/ankle (not pumps, converse or other fashion shoes)


  • Navy blue training skort with academy logo
  • Navy blue and silver training leggings 
  • Navy blue training pants with academy logo
  • Navy blue training zip top with academy logo

(Please note shirts and trousers can be bought from elsewhere, they are not compulsory to buy from the supplier)



  • School Bag / Rucksack (Clutch bags/Handbags/Small over shoulder bags are not acceptable)
  • 2 x Black Pens (Not Blue)
  • 2 x Red Pens
  • 1 x Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Rubber
  • Pencil Case
  • Knowledge Organiser (Provided by SCA)
  • Calculator: FX-83GT CW (Black) (casio.co.uk)

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