Peer Mentors visit Primaries
Tamesin Quinn
/ Categories: News
Our Year 7 representatives hit the road for transition visits
Our peer mentors are busy this half term as they visit their former primary schools to help Year 6 pupils as they prepare to make the move from primary to secondary.
For each of our feeder primary schools, there are two former pupils acting as their peer mentors.
Mrs Jones, Transition Mentor, has visited all the academy feeder schools to ask pupils to write all their questions about joining the academy to a special poster.
Mrs Jones, Mrs Daniels, KS3 Inclusion Managers, and the peer mentors have then been re-visiting the pupils to answer all their questions and more.
Mrs Jones said:
“Our peer mentors have been responding really well to all the questions and the Year 6s have enjoyed talking to them about life at the academy; from how to put on a tie to finding their way around!”
Our peer mentors will also join in the academy’s Summer School in July and other transition days so that there are some familiar faces for the Year 6s.