
Another fantastic Enrichment day!

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Another fantastic Enrichment day!

Throughout the year we host three Enrichment Days and in our last week of term we had our second enrichment day of the year. Again, our focus for this day is around resilience, teamwork and confidence. Yesterday we had a fun filled day with so many activities happening for our students.

Year 7 were involved in a leadership day and worked towards gaining their United Learning Bronze sports leaders award, developing leadership, teamwork, communication, problem solving and organisation skills. Some of these students will go on to lead on getting girls active programme. Year 8 were involved in an exciting enterprise science and technology day, they will be working in teams to design and create machines of the future. Prizes will be awarded for the some of the best ideas and teamwork shown. Year 9 looked at a social enterprise project which involved working in teams to look at designing and producing a plan to regenerate and improve the local area. Year 10 have had a fun packed team building day, working with Wise Up in the hub challenge! Students will be developing their teamwork, leadership, communication, resilience, and problem-solving skills.

Our Y11's worked in targeted intervention groups in subjects to support them in achieving their full potential for their assessments coming up after Easter, but they didn't miss out, we will keep them happy with lots of treats throughout the day.

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