Autumn Term Enrichment Day
Sally Barber
/ Categories: News, Aspire, Events
Our Enrichment Day was packed with activities, from dance and music to drills with the Army and problem-solving!
Our first Enrichment Day of the academic year was on Friday 1st November. On these days, students step away from their regular timetables to engage in a wide range of activities designed to enhance skills and knowledge beyond the traditional curriculum.
This term, the activites were designed to allow students to develop Salford City Academy's REACT values: responsibility, excellence, aspiration, commitment and teamwork.
Year 7 spend their day developing excellence through a range of problem solving challenges. These included activities such as designing ropes and bridges that would be able to hold the most weight. The students demonstrated determination, resiliance and teamwork skills as they were solving the problems and finding solutions.
A small group of our Year 7s also spent the day visiting Salford University, to get them thinking early on about their aspirations for life after the academy!

Our Year 8s were practicing commitment to doing their best, in a day filled with dance, music and drama. The students spent the day cycling through a range of activites, from Dhol drumming to dance and even improvising. The students showed a willingness to be open-minded, and try these new experiences even if it pushed them out of their comfort zone.
At the end of the day, some of the students even performed their new musical skills to the rest of the year group!

Our Year 9s were demonstrating teamwork by spending their day working in groups with ITV to create presentations. The groups each had to plan, prepare and present a marketing vision for the 2025 Women's Euros. The students asigned roles within their groups to create the presentations, demonstrating great communication skills.
The groups each presented to the rest of their class, and the class voted for the winning presentation. At the end of the day, each of the winning groups then presented to the whole year group and a judging pannel, demonstrating confidence and oracy skills.

Our Year 10s spent their day developing responsibility by taking part in a range of activites centred around health, fitness and wellbeing. The activites included: boxing training with Eccles Boxing School, challenges with the Army, relaxing art sessions, yoga and other sports!
The students demonstrated their willingness to try new things and get involved, and all had a great day.

Finally, our Year 11s spent the day developing aspiration by preparing for their future and exploring their options. The students were given the opportunity to think about their goals for the next few years, and guidance on what they will need to do to achieve that goal.
The day began with an inspiring talk by representatives from ITV, exploring the many different apprenticeship paths that are avialable to them, and the benefits of taking the apprenticeship route. There was even a Q&A session towards the end, where students got the opporunity to hear from people currently on ITV apprenticeship programs and ask them questions.
The students spent the rest of their days working on college applications and their personal statements.