Capital Investment Planned for Salford City Academy!
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Salford City Academy is working in collaboration with Salford City Council on an exciting and extensive project that will provide a significant extension of the existing Dining Room and refurbishment of teaching and learning areas to the Main Block and Irwell Building.
Agreement has been reached in principle for this large project to enable the academy to increase its intake in pupil numbers and address the demand for pupils wanting to come to our school.
Once this project is complete, we will have fit for purpose dining experiences that will be able to cater for hot and cold lunches in one hall with minimal queuing and congestion and separate toilets. Pupils will have the added choice to eat outside with appropriate shelter and seating. The extension to the Dining Hall will see the size of the existing provision almost double.
There will also be refurbishment in the Main Block and Irwell Building to provide more appropriate general and specialist teaching areas making best use of space. Refurbishment will be carried out to provide two additional ICT Suites, improved Science areas, more classrooms and a new Performing Arts provision in the Irwell Building to allow further development of Sports and Arts across School.
Next steps are for the submission of planning permission and I will keep you updated on what are exciting times for Salford City Academy!