
Careers Week @ SCA!

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Careers Week @ SCA!

As part of our students careers learning journey we have various careers weeks planned, this week being one of them. Students have been exposed to careers opportunities linked directly to the curriculum here at SCA. Students have been able to link these careers to their subjects in a way that not only enriches them, but also adds value to our curriculum.

We are always keen to support students in their decision making around careers and aspirations, and believe that by linking their subjects to specific careers, they will be better equipped to make informed choices for their next steps. We have seen a huge variety of careers incorporated in to lessons this week, from roles within the NHS and construction industries, to theatres, media and sports.

Throughout the course of this week, students have been completing a careers worksheet for each subject, and will now begin to prepare their speeches on ‘Why this job is so great’, winners from each year group will be going head to head with Ms Haselden and we will vote on which jobs we think really are the best!.

Take a look at pictures throughout the week here at SCA. Year 9 were involved in interviewing Annie - Marie, who is a solicitor who has built her career with the Crown Prosecution Service. 👑 Mrs Eaton our Assistant Principal said “We were so grateful to Annie Maire who has been a solicitor for the CPS to give up her time before she was interviewed by our students. It was interesting to find out the options Annie- Marie chose at college and her higher education! We especially loved hearing about how the CPS works hard to keep young people out of the criminal justice system.” ⚖️#CareersWeek #WeAreSCA #EducationwithCharacter

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