
Incoming Students Get Ready For Life At SCA

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Incoming Students Get Ready For Life At SCA

Salford City Academy Peer Mentors have been touring the city to meet primary school students who will be attending our school from September.

With next year’s intake set to be our biggest ever, our Year 7s have visited Beech Street, Barton Moss, Clarendon Road, Godfrey Ermen, Lewis Street, Westwood Park, St Andrew’s and Christ Church primaries as part of our extensive transition programme, which is designed to ease incoming students into secondary school life.

Each school was visited by their former pupils – now SCA student leaders –who spoke to Year 6 students about life here as part of a Q&A session. Their audience asked questions of every topic imaginable, ranging from what food is like in the canteen, to behaviour standards and the type of experiments they get the chance to do in their Science lessons.

Some students also had the chance to play a game that helped them learn more about Salford City Academy, while they also had a chance to learn more about our uniforms and student planners.

Year 7 Leader Mrs Jones said: “Our student Peer Mentors have been perfect ambassadors for SCA and it has been great to see them go back to their old primary schools and show how far they’ve come in the space of a year.

“It is understandable that some Year 6 students might be nervous about starting secondary school, and we really try to focus on addressing that. These visits work really well and we can’t wait to welcome so many new faces here in September!”

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