
Olympian Sets High Standards For SCA Students

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Olympian Sets High Standards For SCA Students

Salford City Academy was visited by an Olympic veteran this week, who shared with them his secrets of succeeding at the top level.

Brendan Reilly competed in the High Jump in Barcelona’s and Sydney’s games in 1992 and 2000 respectively, and spent the day with our students to inspire them to follow in his footsteps.

The athlete spoke to Years 7, 8 and 9 in assembly at the start of the day to introduce himself and talk about his own challenges and motivations throughout his career before taking part in a question and answer session.

By then, students were raring to go and get involved with Brendan’s training activities – and he didn’t disappoint! After showing them his own high jump skills in the Sports Hall, Brendan led a series of physical activities before the students themselves had a go at their mentor’s specialist activity. He rounded the day off by posing for photos with his newest set of fans!

Salford City Academy PE Teacher and School Games Organiser Ms Robinson said: “It was a real experience having Brendan with us today and we can’t thank both him and Squad In Touch enough for organising his visit.

“Our students were blown away by meeting a real Olympic athlete and were really engaged throughout. There are plenty of keen sports enthusiasts among them and who knows what successes today could inspire them to go on to in the future!”

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