Teacher Training


Year 8 Cake Sale

Sudents Molly, Lauren, Casey and Olivia organised a charity cake sale today to raise funds for the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital.

Year 8 Cake Sale


Uncovering University Life

The Salford City Academy Sixth Form took their Year 12 'A' Level and Level 3 BTEC students to the University of Central Lancashire on Wednesday 26th March.

Uncovering University Life


Winter School Games

On Tuesday 24th March, ten young leaders from Salford City Academy acted as the officials at the Greater Manchester Winter School Games Swimming Gala.

Winter School Games


Achievement in Maths

In 2014, Maths saw a 22% increase in the number of students making expected progress (from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4).

Achievement in Maths


Students Get to The Root of the Problem

As part of the new national curriculum framework for Maths (September 2015), Salford City Academy has been working with United Learning Maths Advisor, Carole Sharp, to introduce problem-solving and reasoning into every Maths lesson.

Students Get to The Root of the Problem


STAR Workshop

Our Year 7 students have taken part in the STAR workshop today to uncover their talents and think about how these can shape their futures.

STAR Workshop


Students Talk the Talk!

The Salford City Academy Debate Mate team attended the second round competition at Wright Robinson School on the 12th March.

Students Talk the Talk!


Comic Relief

As requested by the School Council, Salford City Academy held a non-uniform day on Friday 13th March in aid of Comic Relief and each Year Group's chosen charity.

Comic Relief



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