
SCA Paris Trip Creates Lasting Memories

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SCA Paris Trip Creates Lasting Memories

A group of our students and staff spent the first couple of days of the Easter break sampling the sights and sounds of Paris.

A mix of students from all year groups visited the French capital, before spending their final day at Disneyland Paris.

After a long coach journey to the Channel Tunnel and into France, the group finally settled into their hotel and then went on to enjoy a tour of the Sacre Coeur, Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower, before taking in some of Paris’ other famous landmarks as they enjoyed a boat tour down the River Seine.

The following day, the group made the short journey over to Disneyland to explore the theme park, sample some of the rides and do some shopping. They then made their way back onto the bus, arriving back at SCA in the early hours of the following morning to end an incredibly busy couple of days!

Mr Penney, who organised the trip, said: “We have all had an amazing couple of days and our students were brilliantly behaved throughout.

This was an excellent opportunity for them to practice their French, learn a little about French culture and make some memories that will hopefully last them a lifetime.”


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