
Sir Ian Shares His Secrets To Success With Salford City Academy

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Sir Ian Shares His Secrets To Success With Salford City Academy

Year 10 students were treated to a special audience with business guru Sir Ian Powell to learn all about the secrets to a successful career.

Sir Ian, who has held top jobs at finance giants PwC and Capita, came to speak to us through the Speakers for Schools programme – and spent an hour talking to students about his career and what it takes to make it with the very best in business.

In addition to talking about his own pathway, he also held a Q & A with his thoroughly engaged audience, fielding questions on topics such as managing stress, how to approach a new challenge and how to stay positive in the face of adversity.

Sir Ian also asked his own questions – finding out what careers the Year 10s would like to pursue themselves, which resulted in an in-depth conversation with one young person who had ambitions to become a politician!

Head of English Mr Barker, who organised the visit, said: “We can’t thank Sir Ian enough for spending his time with us and it was really eye-opening for many students who are interested in making the most of every opportunity they are offered.

“The underlying message was that the key success appears to be maintaining an intellectual curiosity and positivity throughout life – something I’m sure all of our students are keen to put into practise!”

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