
Student Leadership Team have been appointed!

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Student Leadership Team have been appointed!

On Tuesday 15th we held our highly anticipated Student Leadership Election. For the past two weeks students across Years 7- 10 have been campaigning and canvassing hard for the chance to be elected to the Student Leadership team. Three students have been elected from each year group to represent their year group on the student council.  

All the candidates wrote their own manifestos which were filmed along with their hustings speeches which were shown to the students prior to the elections. 

We were even lucky enough to share a very personal video from our own local MP Barbara Keeley, who was kind enough to talk to the students about the importance of elections and why utilising your right to vote is vital to democracy. 

Political literacy is a very important element of the curriculum at Salford City Academy. Developing a secure understanding of the UK’s political landscape is a key feature of the Citizenship curriculum across all year groups. This term in Y7, students have been exploring the concept of ‘Democracy’ and its importance across the world. Students have all written their own manifestos as part of the ’Big Write’ and have developed an understanding of how Parliament works. This is further developed in Y8 and Y9 where students will explore in greater depth electoral systems such as first past the post and Britain’s role in international organisations such as the EU and how the Brexit referendum will shape our future political landscape. 

“It was fantastic to see the students so highly engaged in the democratic process and exercising their right to vote. The student leadership team will play a vital role in how we move forward as a community over the year and we are excited for them to join us in our senior team meetings and listen to their ideas.”

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