
Students excel in Enrichment Day!

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Students excel in Enrichment Day!

Today was our first enrichment day of the new year!

Enrichment provides students with opportunities and experience beyond the general curriculum they study, this develops students as a whole; building confidence, happiness, health and a desire to discover new experiences.

These activities that students take part in during enrichment allow them to have the opportunity to try new things they may have never had the chance to before. Enrichment will help keep their mind and body active and healthy. The aim is to enable them to develop skills and confidence that will be useful throughout the rest of their lives and support them in the working world after they leave academy.

Year 7 were involved in a Cultural Capital day with activities within food technology, music, art and languages. Year 8 had a day planned all around challenging Gender Stereotypes. Our Year 9s had a jam packed day surrounding Learing4Life. The day for Year 10 highlighted topics around Sex & Relationships and finally Year 11 had a careers day which included interview skills, revision skills and webinars from GM Higher. We cant wait to host the next event!

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