Students share reviews for Silver Arts Award
Chloe Willis
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Students in Year 10 are working hard to achieve their Art Award visiting galleries around Salford and Manchester. In order to achieve their Silver award students have been asked to review their experiences and share this with others. Erin, Dorota and Lucy have written the below reviews of their experiences, and we are proud to share these with our SCA community.
For our Silver Arts Awards project we visited art galleries in Manchester & Salford to review different works.
Ghost Tree – Anya Gallaccio – Review by Erin Carolan
We visited Anya Gallaccio’s Ghost Tree in Whitworth Park. The sculpture was similar but not identical to a previous tree that was in that location. It was a very relaxing & peaceful atmosphere & the tree was positioned nicely in the park & didn’t look out of place. They captured the realism of a tree & the positioning allowed sunlight to reflect off it. Due to It’s positioning in an outdoor area, there were a lot of cobwebs which made me hesitant to approach the tree.
The tree was extremely unique & different to other sculptures, It was very easy to look at and appealing.
This sculpture developed my knowledge as I have not seen sculptures outdoors before, this made it memorable.

For our Silver Arts Awards project we visited art galleries in Manchester & Salford to review different works.
Ghost Tree – Anya Gallaccio – Review by Dorota Itoya
We saw a sculpture that captures the essences of a fallen tree. It is nots the exact replica but it does contain similar characteristics . The sculpture of the tree was in Whitworth park .
The art form which I identified was a sculpture, however the way it was built, imitating the other trees was unexpected. It had some realism in it and the placement of it made it seem like it belong there. It wasn’t in a solitary place but instead apart of the gathering of trees, which made even more special.
I thought the use of reflective material was clever as it created an honourable representation of the previous tree. Instead of absorbing the sunlight it reflects, helping the other wildlife around which may not get enough sunlight. Thus, it still has an environmental impact and is useful. At certain angles the tree blends in with the sky which I think is really cool and fun to mess around with different angles.
The thing which I didn’t like the most were the cobwebs (lack of maintenance) as it dirtied the reflective metal and ruined the effects. However, an argument can be made that it gives it more of a realistic affect as a real tree wouldn't have regular cleaning and is a very good home for insects.
The creative impact of the sculpture was that it captured nature perfectly in an abstract way. And it's easy to look at, the wasn't made to be interpreted so I didn’t have a hard time understanding it.
I don’t have much experience with sculptures, so I gained a lot of knowledge from this. Specifically they shaping and harsh lines. Although I don’t sculpt id still liked to add some of those aspects to my work.

For our Silver Arts Awards project we review different art work to develop our skills in discussing different art forms.
Online Performance - Painted – Review by Lucy Riordan
This online performance showed great emotion and heartfelt dance techniques throughout the whole piece. The use of the space around her and the props available she was able to create a realistic and minimalistic dance routine. I chose this arts performance because there are varied dance skills used which are pushing me out of my comfort zone due to me typically only focussing on artistry with painting/sketching.
I specifically enjoyed the clips of the bird squawking of which fitted the atmosphere of mystery and distress perfectly. Additionally, I also enjoyed the theme of naturalism portrayed through the attire. Adding ballet shoes similarly shaded to her skin tone opposed to obvious footwear gave the piece the impression that she was in touch with nature herself, especially when on the floor. The dress worn had an appearance of damage or fraying. The light, floaty material of the dress also created an unrestricted approach which aligned well with the aim of the dance. Rays of light radiating through the industrial-like windows onto the girls skin also complimented the dark shades of her dress and the concrete floor around her.
The facial expressions were acted out carefully and fitted the movement of dance well.
Overall I enjoyed this piece and enjoyed watching it. The space and arm motions were used effectively to overall bring together a beautifully expressed dance.