The SCA Library

Welcome to the Library!

The library is staffed and open Monday to Friday - you can access it before school, during breaks, and at lunchtime.

We offer a wide selection of books, all part of the Accelerated Reader program and conveniently color-coded to help you find books at your reading level. We're constantly adding new titles to our collection.

Need help with homework? Join our Homework Club, which meets every day in the Library before school, during break, at lunchtime, and after school.




All new Year 7 students will receive a special library induction lesson in September to get acquainted with our resources.

Year 7, 8 & 9 students take part in an Accelerated Reader (AR) Lessons in the library every other week. These lessons involve quizzes that help us monitor your progress and identify any challenges. This helps you to read more and improve your vocabulary!


Reading Rewards

We love to celebrate reading achievements! You can win prizes for reading the most words, and we hold competitions between classes participating in Accelerated Reader.

Work your way up to reading a million words and earn a certificate, a reading badge, and a book of your choice! We already have 14 "Word Millionaires," and we're looking forward to adding more.

The library hosts fun, literacy-based activities and themed day competitions like Roald Dahl Day, where you can win prizes, especially if you find the Golden Ticket!


Reading Routes

At Salford City Academy, our Reading Routes program encourages you to read for pleasure, broaden your cultural experiences, and expand your learning beyond the curriculum. The program aims to cultivate a love of reading and open your mind to different worlds.

The program features nine main reading routes, exposing you to a range of genres. Our book choices, both fiction and non-fiction, reflect the diverse interests of our students and aim to broaden your understanding of the world.

The Reading Routes program includes a route map with 12 genres and around 66 books. Earn a Reading Route Metro Pass for each book you read and get a stamp. Completing themed lines earns you prizes:

  • Read 5 books for 50 House Points
  • Read 10 books for 100 House Points
  • Read 15 books for 150 House Points
  • Read 20 books for 200 House Points
  • Read 25 books for a Special Prize

Click on the link below to view our reading routes map

What Will You Find In The Library?

  • A large number of fiction books, a collection of non-fiction books on many subjects. 

  • A computerised book catalogue (Accelerated Reader) 

  • Computers connected to the Academy network to use for research and homework. 

  • Regular competitions all literacy based 

  • Themed days -World Book Day  

Borrowing from the Library

You can borrow two books for up to two weeks, the book will be stamped with the date it is due back. No fines are charged for late books, however, if a book is lost or damaged payment for the book will be asked for by a letter being sent home or a replacement book will be asked for. Books need to be renewed if you want to keep them for longer. 

You are are welcome to request new titles! New stock is added all year round of non-fiction and fiction books. 

Additional Resources

Supporting students with Literacy at home   


“Reading is the Gateway for children that makes all other learning possible”    

                                                                      Barack Obama 

Reading really is the key to success. The National Literacy Trust research highlights the link between enjoyment of reading and attainment and shows that the longer children can keep an enjoyment of reading going, the greater the benefits in the classroom. Twelve-year-olds who enjoy reading have a reading age 2.1 years higher than their peers who don’t enjoy reading and this rises to a gap of 3.3 years for fourteen-year-olds. 

Suggestions what you can do to support your child’s reading at home. 

  • Make time to read. Set a regular time to read together during the day so your child has a reading routine. Little and often works best. Reading for just 30 minutes a day can make a huge difference.  

  • Let your child choose what to read. Join your local library for free and your child can pick from a wide selection of books that suit his/her interests. 

  • Take regular trips to the library with your child. Explore what is available in the children’s section or young adult section together or ask the librarian to recommend suitable books. Often, students think they don’t enjoy reading but, in many instances, this is because they have not found the right book. Asking for advice from librarians and teachers is important. There’s a book out there for everyone!  

  • If your child is a reluctant reader of fiction, encourage reading through different reading materials and formats. As well as fiction, there is a world of comics, magazines, e-books, read-along audio books and non-fiction for your child to discover.                                         


If your child is struggling to read, share strategies with them about what they can do to breakdown the text. Talk to your child’s English teacher so you can build on the strategies they are using to break down the text. Common strategies include asking questions breaking down sentences into units of meaning and using different strategies to work out the meaning of new words (Word Attack strategies.)  All students in Year 7 have access to Accelerated Reader, Bedrock and some students have access to Lexia, and they will be given their log in details in Term 1.  Encourage your child to complete these activities carefully and ask them about how it will help them to read for understanding in all subjects. All students at SCA will be aware of the reading process and this structure supports students in becoming better readers.                                                                                         

  • Be positive. Praise your child for trying hard at their reading and let them know it is okay to make mistakes. This will encourage them to show determination and continue reading for pleasure.  

  • Talk to your child about what they are reading so reading becomes a social and shared experience for them. Ask questions before they read, whilst they are reading and after they have read the book. This will bring the book to life for them and make reading more enjoyable. It will also support your child in reading well because questions will encourage them to reflect and evaluate what they read and make inferences. This will encourage your child to read for pleasure which increases their chance of becoming a lifelong reader. 

Questions to ask before your child has started reading the book 

  • Why have you chosen this book? 

  • Have you read any books by this author before? 

  • Will this book challenge you? 

  • Have you asked the librarian to recommend any other books by your favourite author? 

A lot of students read books from the same series and may not choose other books.  

For example, a lot of students read Horrid Henry, Diary of a Wimpy Kid and books by David Walliams and Jacqueline Wilson. It is important to read more challenging books i.e. books by different authors and books written before 1960. This will develop students’ reading skills, so they read well. 

Question to ask whilst your child is reading the book 

  •  What has happened so far?  

  •  What do you predict will happen? Why? 

  •  Who is your favourite character so far? Why? 

Questions to ask after your child has read the book 

  •  What happened in the book? Did it surprise you? Why? 

  •  Who is your favourite character and why? 
  •  Would you recommend this book to other students? Why? 

  • What did you think about the author’s style of writing? 

  •  Did it interest you as a reader? Why? 

Give books as treats and presents so children value reading and have a more positive attitude towards it.  

Model reading so your child sees you reading for pleasure and understands that reading is important. Talk to them about books you are enjoying or news articles that you have found interesting. Be a reading role model and if your child sees you enjoying and valuing books, they can be greatly inspired to read too.  


Click here for parental support with Spelling

Clike here for parental support with reading


Wave 1

Students identified as having a SS of 85 and below

(81 students)

11 students EAL KS4-

 4 students IDL

Wave 2

Students identified with a SS between


(66 students)

Wave 3

Students identified with a SS above 90

(52 students)

Wave 4

Students identified with a SS above 95

(302 students)


1-2-1 Literacy


Intervention/ IDL (KS4) during timetabled lesson.

Accelerated Reader

During English lesson once a fortnight.

Accelerated Reader

Challenging or extension problems within the class or for homework.

Supported by

Literacy HLTA

Learning Resource Manager and English Teacher.

Learning Resource Manager

Subject Teachers.

Social Time

Lexia extra support

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday lunchtime.

Daily extra support in the morning, lunchtimes and after school in the Library.

Daily extra support in the morning, lunchtimes and after school in the Library.

Reading and Poetry clubs

Reading more challenging texts

Challenge Club

Learning Resource Centre

Daily extra support in the morning, lunchtimes and after school in the Library

. Silver Stories Programme

. Prefect- Reading Buddies

. Parent reading volunteers

. Author visits

. Word Millionaire

. Silver Stories programme

. Word Millionaire

Challenging Reads

Wave Intervention

Classroom teacher

. DEAR programme delivered everyday with Oracy DEAR every Friday,

. Use of knowledge Organisers which have tier 3 vocabulary

. Target use of TA’s to support in the classroom

. The Big Write

. Key vocabulary narrated and shared every lesson

. Quality first teaching and use of the SCA (I-We-You) model and incorporating opportunities for reading into lessons

. All ITT and ECT’S to receive specific Literacy training

. CPD on planning for Literacy and applying consistent methods

. Subject specific reading lists shared with students

Parental engagement/home learning

Communication with parents of pupils on Lexia Programme

Accelerated Reader information on Academy Website

Development of Library/Literacy webpage on Academy Website

Literacy Pack for Year 6 students

Reading Log to use with parents

Parent sessions ‘How to support with reading’

Incentives and rewards

Regular rewards issued through postcards sent home

Certificates awarded every half term

Badges awarded for reading

Reward trips and treats

End of year celebration for improved literacy levels

Termly competition linked to Culture of Excellence

Author visits

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