Help and Support for Students

If you need help or information there is always someone to talk to here at the academy, or at the end of a phone, to point you in the right direction.



The counselling service at Salford City Academy supports students from all year groups and helps with a huge range of issues faced by young people including anxiety, eating disorders, coping with change, bereavement and many more problems. 

Alternatively, if you're worried about about someone and thinking counselling may help, e-mail:


She works Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in the academy and is working alongside Kirstie Betts at 42nd Street on a Tuesday. They will triage cases and work with the appropraite professionals. 

Useful numbers and websites

(click on images to go directly to the websites)

    Kooth (online counselling & support) - Solihull local offer

Samaritans (lines open 24/7) Call 0300 123 6600

call 08457 90 90 90

Other helpful links:    

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