What is bullying?

Bullying can mean many different things - and has been described as:
- Being called names
- Being put down or humiliated
- Being teased
- Being pushed or pulled about
- Having money or other possesions taken or messed with
- Having rumours spread about you
- Being ignored and left out
- Being hit, kicked and physically hurt
- Being threatened or intimidated
These things can happen at school or at home but can also happen online or on social networks.
This website has lots of advice on how to deal with different types of bullying.
- I have the right not to be bullied
- If I am bullied it is not my fault
- If I am upset I do not have to let the bully know
- I have the right to tell my teacher or my parents if I am being bullied
- I have the right to be different from other people
- I have the right to run away from people who bully me and tell someone; this is not being a coward
What to do if you are being bullied or need to talk to someone:
- Speak to your mentor
- Speak to a prefect or buddy
- Speak to your Head of Year or Inclusion Manager
- Speak to a teacher or member of staff you are comfortable with
- Use our confidential mailbox, sca.concerns@salfordcity-academy.org