Citizenship & PSHE

The Citizenship and PSHE curriculum at Salford City Academy aims to provide pupils with knowledge, skills and understanding to prepare them to play a full and active part in society. The curriculum is designed to support the development of the Academy’s values, alongside British values. Schemes of work have been planned to respond to issues that arise in the school and wider community. 

The Citizenship curriculum aims to foster students’ awareness of democracy, government and how laws are made and upheld. Teaching in Citizenship will equip students with the knowledge and interest to explore political and social issues. Explicit and regular reference to British Values is covered throughout the Citizenship curriculum.

We have carefully considered how the Citizenship curriculum will complement existing national curriculum subjects and whole school approaches to personal wellbeing. For example, in health education we aim to complement what is taught through PE and Science by developing core knowledge and broader understanding that enables people to lead healthy and active lives. 





To view the curriculum intent for Citizenship and PHSE please:






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