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Year 6 Transition
Year 6 Transition
for guidance on downloading the Parent Arbor App
What We Offer
Salford City Academy’s innovative and diverse transition programme is designed to include a variety of events in order to achieve all our aims for supporting students in the transition move. Our primary transition ethos encompasses a well-designed programme to maintain the sense of belonging felt in primary; to provide care, guidance and support; and to dispel student worries and fears about the move ahead.
We offer extra transition days to vulnerable students that have been identified by their Primary and the Inclusions team. This ensure that these vulnerable students have the extra support they require to make the transition to secondary school successful.
If you would like to discuss this further or if you have any questions, please contact the Transition team via our dedicated email address
Current Events
Term Dates 2024/2025
How can I buy Salford City Academy Uniform?
Uniform is purchased online with our provider
, you must create an account and select Salford City Academy from the drop down list.
You can also telephone on 01928 752610, and choose Option 1.
For Year 7 admissions in September 2024 we are delighted to be able to offer a free blazer. We hope to be able to issue your voucher for your free blazer soon.
You will soon be able to purchase our uniform from a shop. More information to follow.
The academy tie is bespoke to each year group. In September 2024 students joining our year 7 cohort will need the tie with the purple stripe. This will be the allocated colour for this year group and will move with them all the way up to year 11.
For a full list of uniform requirements you can visit our uniform information page on our website
Salford City Academy > Information > Uniform & Equipment (salfordcity-academy.org)
* Please note: should you be struggling to purchase uniform, please contact the Academy for assistance.
Click here
to view the Academy term dates for 2024/2025, please note these are subject to change.
Special Educational Needs
Salford City Academy’s vision for students with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is that they are provided with an education that enables them to achieve their best; become confident individuals living fulfilling lives; and to make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further education or training.
Salford City Academy will:
· have the highest aspirations for all young people with SEND and set appropriate targets for them
· keep young people with SEND informed so that they know precisely where they are in their learning and development
· ensure that decisions are informed by the insights of parents/carers and those of the young people themselves
· keep under review the additional or different provision that is made for them
· ensure that the approaches used are based on the best possible evidence and are having the required impact on progress.
Message from the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo)
secondary school
is a big step for every child, and for those with
special educational needs
or disabilities, it can be an even greater challenge. As a parent/ carer, you’ll want to make sure that we know how to meet your child’s needs.
I would like to reassure you that your child will receive the very best care from my team. We offer both in-class teaching assistant support as well as a menu of bespoke interventions tailored to your child’s individual needs. These include (but are not limited to) literacy and numeracy interventions, anger management, anxiety support, self-esteem workshops and counselling. Additionally, we work closely with a number of external professionals such as the Educational Psychology Service, Speech and Language Therapists, Salford Learning Support Service and CAMHS.
Every child on our SEND register is allocated a dedicated key worker who will work closely with students and parents/ carers. Your keyworker will prepare a student passport and manage a 12 week Plan, Do, Review Cycle in line with guidance issued in the SEND Code of Practice. Your key worker will ensure that all classroom teachers are fully informed about your child’s needs and how best to support them. Salford City Academy is committed to providing expert support and resources for children with SEND to fulfil their individual potential.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries at all regarding your child’s transition to us. My email address is:
I look forward to meeting you in person.
Laura Dawson
Q: How do I update the academy with my key contact information?
A: You will receive an email from our Parent App in the coming weeks. The app we use is called Arbor, please look out for this and follow the link to sign in.
It is vital that this information is completed as we need to ensure that we have all the up to date information for when your child starts with us in September.
Q: Will there be taster sessions for my child to attend prior to starting at the Academy?
A: We understand how important it is that all our new year 7 students get an opportunity to experience the Academy setting prior to starting with us in September.
Your child will be invited to attend the academy for our taster days in June, we will write to you with more information but in the meantime save the date. Thursday 29th June & Friday 30th June 2023